finalRender Stage-2 R2.0 for CINEMA 4D

by 카이젤블루 posted Aug 11, 2008


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 게시글 수정 내역 댓글로 가기 인쇄
독일의 cebas 컴퓨터 유한책임회사(cebas Computer GmbH)는 -_-;

2008년 8월 9일, 전 세계 CG인들의 축제, 시그라프 2008을 사흘 가량 앞두고, 다음과 같이...
그들의 간판 서드파티 렌더러인 finalRender Stage-2 R2.0 의 각각 새로운 제품군을 발표했습니다.

이번에 XSI 용도 새로 추가되는군요.  엑시의 멘탈레이와 맞짱을 뜨겠다는 건지... -_-;
C4D 용은... 글쎄... 굉장한 뒷북이 될 가능성이 농후합니다. -_-;;;

사실상, C4D 쪽은 포기해야될 모양새가 아닐까... 개인적인 견해입니다.

SIGGRAPH 2008, 여러가지 의미로 굉장히 기대되는군요.

보시죠. emoticon

finalRender Stage-2 R2.0 for CINEMA 4D and Maya

cebas will demonstrate finalRender Stage-2 R2.0 as a preview for Maya, CINEMA 4D and XSI. Many new core features of finalRender will be shown as well as newly developed platform specific features.

finalRender Stage-2 Release 2.0 for Maya

Introduces an all new material stacking and shading concept offering unique functionality and features, like no other rendering solution. This revolutionary new shading concept will be a major part of the enhancements for the shipping release of finalRender Stage-2 R2.0. Additionally, all core rendering enhancements done to finalRender Stage-2 will be automatically included in the 2.0 Release as well. Things like the new fast Hybrid Scanline Rendering engine, the enhanced ultra fast 3D Motion Blur and many other enhancements are available for all supported platforms (XSI, Maya, CINEMA4D) at the same time.

finalRender Stage-2 for CINEMA 4D Release R2.0

Users of MAXON's CINEMA 4D will be happy to learn that all the rendering core benefits and enhancements of finalRender Stage-2 will also be true and available for them in CINEMA 4D! In addition to the rendering core enhancements, platform specific tools have been added as well, some of the CINEMA 4D specific tools and enhancements are listed below.

  • Physical Camera Model with Realtime Preview and Adjustments
  • New Unique finalRender Volume Rendering Material
  • Physical Sky Enhancements
  • True finalRender Instancing Power
  • Super Fast Hybrid Scanline Renderer
  • New finalRender fastSSS Material
  • Better and Faster 3D Motion Blur from within CINEMA 4D

  • Who's 카이젤블루



    "Hope is a good thing...
    ...maybe the best of things.
    And no good thing ever dies."    영화, "쇼생크 탈출" 中, Andy의 마지막 대사.



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