Complete Game Engine Environment for the Mac now supports CINEMA 4D

by 길동 posted Jul 03, 2006


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CINEMA 4D 를 지원하는 게임 제작툴입니다. (OS X)

We are proud to introduce you to the first game development tool of the next generation.

Unlike any other game system, Unity was designed from the start to ease editing. This is not a game engine with an editor bolted on. It is a fully integrated production environment that just happens to have the most powerful engine this side of a million dollars.

Click to Play
Imagine if the world's greatest painters had to paint their work blindfolded, only to look at the painting once a day. This is how game developers have worked so far. No more. With Unity, you just hit the play button to test your work straight away. You can modify your world while the game is running. Get an idea, test it, get another. Rinse and repeat.

What You See Is What You Ship
When your game is ready to ship, or when you want to make a demo to send to your friends, just select Build Game. All the files are assembled into one standalone program - ready for burning on a CD or sending in an email. For Mac, Windows, or the Web. Or as a Dashboard Widget!

1 + 1 = 3
Team up! Unity has the best integration tools in the business, so you can work together with other people who complement your skills. Do what you do best. Find other users on our forums. None of us could have done Unity alone, so learn from us.

Get Visible
Don't sit alone in a darkened bedroom pondering your masterpiece. Put your game on your website and let others play it straight in a browser. Want to make a quick buck? Find some contract work and show those Flash weenies.

Who's 길동

우울함의 원천은 역시 통장잔고!





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