C4D 소식
2011.08.31 14:16

Comic in Motion

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Comics in Motion

Fri 19th Aug 2011, by Meleah Maynard | productfocus

Motion comics have been evolving since they emerged as a new type of entertainment more than a decade ago and Ian Kirby has been involved since the beginning. In fact, Wikipedia calls Broken Saints, a Flash-based animated film series released in 2001 that Kirby made in his parents’ basement with a couple of friends over three years, "one of the earliest examples" of motion comics. What is a motion comic? Utilizing a variety of techniques, a motion comic takes an existing comic book property and re-imagines it as an animated film.

Armed with a combination of 2D and 3D animation, visual effects, creative editing, direction, original music and voice talent, the creative possibilities for motion comics are virtually unlimited. Kirby is proving that today with Sequence—his Vancouver-based design and animation company. Sequence still makes motion comics, but their clientele has grown to include heavy hitters like Warner Bros. and Disney (among others). Having moved beyond Flash, they now rely on Adobe After Effects for 2D animation and MAXON’s CINEMA 4D for 3D animation.

Sequence used CINEMA 4D for several key Red Riding Hood scenes. To populate the forest, tree illustrations were placed on hundreds of 2D cards in the C4D scene.

Sequence’s latest project is a prequel episode to Warner Bros. feature film Red Riding Hood. Entitled Red Riding Hood: The Tale Begins, it combines live action and advanced motion comic animation. “The line between motion comics and traditional animation is almost indistinguishable with this project,” explains Kirby, adding that the animation style was very unique. “It's a fluid painterly animation with 3D walk cycles, full lip assignment and complex particle systems.”

C4D was used in several key scenes, including a dramatic pull back through a dense forest. Painted still imagery was projected onto the 3D geometry of the cabin to give it a texture and feel that integrated seamlessly with the 2D animation. Illustrated trees were then placed on hundreds of 2D cards in the C4D scene to populate the forest. As the camera pulls back through the forest, atmospheric depth and particle systems bring the scene to life.

Inception Reel from Sequence on Vimeo.

The motion comic for Inception begins with a maze that, upon closer inspection, becomes a city.

Sequence has also created a 15-minute HD prologue to the film Inception for Warner Bros. that has been released as a special feature on the film's Blu-ray disc. The prologue opens with a shot of a maze. As the camera moves closer, however, the relatively abstract shape reveals itself to be a city. “The city grows out of a maze and you end up down at street level with the characters,” says Kirby, adding that after the city’s basic shape was created in Illustrator (from the film’s original artwork), it was brought into CINEMA 4D where its spline could be extruded to the correct height. The buildings, which were modelled in C4D in various shapes and sizes to create some natural randomness, were textured in the comic's style and imported into After Effects for final color correction and finishing. 


Because filmmaker Christopher Nolan wanted the Inception prologue to have an "authentic" comic book feel, there is no voiceover, just a musical score and those quintessential text-filled bubbles floating strategically over peoples' heads that comics are known for. “We did voice tests, but ultimately decided that we wanted to stay true to the printed piece and leave the voices to the viewers imagination,” Kirby explains.

Animating Cobb’s totem correctly was crucial to the success of Sequence animators working on the project.

In the film, characters use "totems" to determine if what they are experiencing is a dream or reality. West recreated the spinning top totem used by Dom Cobb (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) with C4D’s Lathe NURBS tool. Artist Andrew West used Photoshop to texture the totem to resemble the film’s original artwork. Once the totem was adequately prepared, animator Christian Whiticar  used MoDynamics to make it spin. “We just set an initial rotation velocity that was strong enough to start the totem spinning,” he explains.


More Than a Trend

Though some have questioned the longevity of the art form, Warner Bros. has believed in motion comics from the start. Kirby remembers when the comic book publisher first approached Sequence about creating animated prequels for Will Smith’s I Am Legend. “We had moved on to doing other things, so I said no at first,” he recalls. But Warner Bros. persisted and Kirby agreed. “It was fun to create those back stories for the film, and that was what really got us back into motion comics,” he says. “It was a new generation. We were no longer dealing with the limitations of Flash. These were full HD animations.”

For Batman: Black & White, Sequence directed and animated 20 award-winning, short-form comics of the famous caped crusader. The series, which was released by Warner Premier on iTunes and Xbox LIVE, took Sequence about six months from start to finish. While working on the project, Sequence's artists focused consistently on the goal of expanding and enhancing the original artwork of Timothy Truman and Sam Glanzman while keeping the drawn page's original integrity intact. “The process of doing motion comics always starts with artists having to break down flattened artwork,” says Kirby. “Each project is completely different with a different art style that has to be matched, so it’s quite a challenge."

Things ramped up quickly after Batman and Sequence began work on Warner Bros.’ Jonah Hex. They had about six months from start to finish to produce 75 minutes of animated content for 7 episodes of the Jonah Hex motion comic, which were released to coincide with the film’s opening on iTunes, Xbox LIVE and video on demand. Since they had no digital files for Jonah Hex, artists worked off of old film scans. “We gave scans to the artists so that they could break them down into layers that we could use in C4D and After Effects,” Kirby recalls, adding that Sequence then produced original music, dialogue and sound effects to compliment said animation. 

Kirby recalls a complex graveyard scene Sequence created for a particular episode. The gravestones were modelled in C4D using simple shapes before artwork was projected onto them. Trees and grass were projected onto flat cards, so they could be included in 3D scenes without Sequence having to model all of the complicated geometry.

The graveyard scene was modelled in C4D. Artwork was then projected onto the 3D shapes to create the finished look.

Having once considered moving on from motion comics, Kirby now says he is definitely interested in sticking with them and seeing where the entertainment form goes. “Motion comics are in a strange place right now as the line between what animation is and what motion comics are is blurring,” he says, adding that their goal is to “bring comics to life for a new generation of kids.”

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    시로코 2011.08.31 15:54

    이미지를 종심깊게 배치하는 방법은 이미 전통적인 것이 되어 버렸죠.  글에 나왔듯이 어언 10년...

    하지만 종심의 깊이만 믿고 안주하는 성향이 이미 서구와 일본 모두에서 나타나고 있지요.

    시청자들의 무의식 속에서는 " 뭔가 2% 부족하다 " 고 이미 느끼고 있습니다. ( 그게 사실은 200%일 수도 있음 )

    인터넷에서는 이미 불평이 나오고 있는데 회사에서 일하는 사람들은 느끼지 못하는 듯....


    마치 디즈니가 픽사에 뒤진 것이 3D를 쓰지 않았기 때문이라고 판단하는 우를 범한 거와 비슷합니다.

    디즈니가 픽사에 뒤진 이유는 관료시스템으로 창작자를 죽이고 재미없는 "제품"을 양산했기 때문이지..

    3D를 쓰지 않았기 때문이 아닌데 말이죠.   애꿎은 애니메이터들 20년 경력자도 마구 해고하질 않나...

    근래에 등장한 이미지를 종심상에 배치하는 기법들 마저도 결국 이런 사고의 연장선상에 있다고 봅니다. 


    얕은 종심에 창작자 자신을 노출시키는 다소 위험한 위치에 서도 문제가 없도록 혁신이 필요하지요.

    참호를 100줄로 파더라도 토마호크 미사일 1발이 그걸 무시하고 사령부 2층의 3번째 창문을 때리는 것처럼 말이죠.

    표현의 주안점에 조금이라도 비껴나가면 타협하지 않는 깊은 미학에 기반한 마음이 필요합니다.

    그것을 뛰어넘어야만 새로운 창작의 세계가 열릴 겁니다.

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    길동 2011.08.31 17:23

    솔직히 무얼 말씀하시려는지 잘 모르겠습니다.^^

    적당한 긴장은 좋지만 과한 네가티브적 요소는 배제해 주셨으면 합니다.^^~ 쐬주 한잔~~~~~~~~~

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    시로코 2011.08.31 18:24

    창작자가 자신을 전면에 내세우는 것은 창작자 본인에게 위험한 행위이지만,

    그 위험의 댓가로 좋은 작품이 나오게 됩니다.  

    그러나 "회사"는 경제논리로 움직이므로 위험을 회피하려고 하게 되고 창작자가 깊은 장막의 뒤에 숨게 되지요.

    그러나 위험을 감수하지 않으면 좋은 작품이 나오지 않으므로 결국 회사를 몰락시키게 됩니다.


    이것은 단순히 내용의 차원 뿐 아니라 CG를 구현하는 기술에도 해당됩니다.

    창작자가 표현의 주안점을 직접 저격하는 기술을 전면에 내세우면 부담을 많이 안게 되는데,

    역시 회사는 경제논리로 움직이므로 위험을 회피하려고 관료체제가 통제할 수 있는 기술만을 골라쓰게 되고...

    관객역시 이걸 눈치채고 떠나버리게 되는 것이지요.  


    오늘날 창작의 위기는 제가 보기에 스토리 탓이라기 보다는 기술적인 원인이 더 크다고 봅니다.

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    소라군 2011.09.01 12:43

    백문의 불여일견~~~!!

    언젠가 후덜덜한 작업으로 보여주실거라 믿습니당~

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    시로코 2011.09.01 14:49

    전술 차원 ( tactical )에서 기술을 구사하는 게 아니라...

    작전술 차원 ( operational )에서 기술을 구사하는 게 중요합니다.

    모델링 잘 하고, 재질설정 잘 하고, 매핑소스 좋은 거 쓰고 애니메이션, 합성....등등

    하지만 그게 과연 인생에서 무슨 의미가 있을까요 ?


    내가 아무리 잘 해 봐야 헐리우드에서는 나 보다 훨씬 더 잘 합니다.

    날고 기어 봐야 초라해 지기는 매 한 가지입니다.   대신에 상위차원을 설정해 두면 다를 수도 있지요.

    전술 차원에서 구사하는 기술은 투입하는 돈에 비례해서 나옵니다. ( 돈의 노예가 된다는 이야기 )

    그러나 작전술 차원의 기술은 투입자금에 대한 비례를 무시하는 비선형 결과물을 보여주죠.


    상위차원의 개념을 먼저 상정해 두느냐 그렇지 않느냐에 따라서 ....

    똑같은 것을 크게 활용할 수도 있고,  제대로 활용할 수 없을 수도 있게 되지요.

    목적이 뭔지 알고 있다면 수단은 유연하게 고를 수 있는 것이고...

    여유있게 자기 포멧을 구축하는 것이 중요하지, 고정관념에 사로잡힐 필요가 없는 겁니다.

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    소라군 2011.09.01 14:51

    전쟁, 전술, 2차대전, ㅎ

    세상은 러브 앤 피쓰죠 ㅎㅎ


    어려운얘기 말고

    걍 나중에 보여주세요

    보여주는것만큼 확실한건 없잖소이까~ ㅎ


  • ?
    아론_데_림 2011.09.02 00:29

    음 전 시로코분이 어떤 분인지 전혀 모르지만 이 분이 어떤 결과물을 내는지 보기를 요구하거나 이야기하는 내용과 작품의 상관관계에 대해서 짚고 나서려 하는것은 아니라고 봅니다. 전 오히려 안보는게 더 저에겐 도움이 될것 같다는 생각도 합니다.

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    웨이트 2011.10.12 17:15

    시로코 님의 의견에 깊이 공감 합니다.

    작품에 있어서는 작은 차이가 결국 큰 차이 더라고요.




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    가치 2011.09.01 12:39

    씨네마포디와 애프터이펙트의 절묘한 조화군요~

  • ?
    겸손 2011.09.03 16:54

    감사합니다. 열심히 연구하겠습니다.




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